Monday, October 28, 2019

Comebacks I wish I'd said

For women, some interactions cry out for a snappy come-back or a withering look. It can be difficult to always have a snappy comeback ready. Here are a few to keep in our pockets:

"You're being too emotional."
Possible come back?  "Sorry, Mr. Spock; it's close to Pon Farr."

"They would listen to your ideas more if you were a man."
Possible come back?  "But then they'd find me unsuitable in a skirt."

"Women have to be ready to be called a bitch if they want to lead."
Possible come back?  "We can lead without a battle axe but, for you, I can make an exception."

"There's no glass ceiling."
Possible come back?  "There's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny but yet the gifts come anyway."

"You shouldn't be so upfront about your career aspirations."
Possible come back?  "It takes the guesswork out of managing me."

"When you told us the story of that thing you did, it sounded like boasting."
Possible come back?  "Boasting is when I tell you how I learned to sky dive/ make French pastry / speak 12 languages better than you. Sharing accomplishments is like offering a taste of my chocolate bar - we both share a little sweetness."

"You shake hands like a man."
Possible come back?  "I bet you curtsey like a girl."

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