I had a glorious massage. At the end of an afternoon, I was nothing more than a well-worn, fine piece of velvet left to dry gently in the sun.
Then I returned to my life. I went from velvet to rusty scouring pad at the speed of light.
Both networking and stress relief should be a daily occurence.
Stress Relief
Daily activity
Daily activity
Must be done with someone
Can be done alone or with someone
Can reduce stress during tough times
Can reduce stress immediately
Requires contact information (depending on connection)
Requires medical history (depending on treatment)
Often free
Sadly, is not always free
Requires trust
Has long term benefits
Pledge to add 15 minutes per day for stress relief activities (meditation; a walk; etc.) with a few large activities like a massage thrown in. Combine networking and stress relief where possible and treat ourselves the way we try to treat our networks: with care and respect.