Monday, May 11, 2020

Dear Dennie #5 - emotion in the workplace

 A monthly letter/column as written for & published also by Women in Transportation Services

Dear Dennie,

How should I respond when I hear people say that women are too emotional in the workplace?

Professional to my core

Dear PC,

Emotion is a strength.

Emotion is critical to decision-making. 

A great strength that women often feel more comfortable exploring is emotion. Emotion often implies vulnerability. In a work context, this can mean a willingness to change, to share or to sit back and listen instead of drive. 

Telling me to not make "an emotional decision" drives me crazier that the issue itself. Just because I'm showing emotion does Not mean my brains fell out my butt.

A debate I've been reading around critical vs. creative thinking is missing the fact that emotion colours both approaches. Regardless of the side of the brain you favour, pretending the final output is not coloured by emotion is naive.

Emotion is a strength. Emotion has a place in every corner of our lives. Emotion is not drama - emotion is its own truth. We cannot build a community for ourselves at work or home without emotion.

Now, ask me anything.... :-)
