Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Hot Potato

The ‘hot potato’ was born about 23 years ago. I was attending one of those very packed, very loud industry events. People stood talking in small groups or lingering on the edges, trying to look engaged while knowing no one. Beyond flashing my bra or pushing into a crowd of strangers, I could not figure out how to get anyone’s attention. 

I grumbled in the corner. I grumbled through the week. I grumbled until someone asked me how I would solve this very typical networking dilemma.

I’d put one basic guideline in place: 
Networking events are not the place to hold long involved conversations.  

Events are a great place to discover if you want to have a longer conversation; Have the short one, then book the one/one time to do a private, expanded one and move on.

The premise  of Hot Potato is simple. 
·       It is a two (2) or three (3)-minute conversation with as many folks during the event as you want. 
·       You must then introduce the person with whom you are conversing to someone else: you “hot potato” them and move on. 
·       You never walk away from a conversation without first engaging your partner in a new one. 

Hot potato ensures you:
·       Are never trapped in a conversation 
·       Appear to be a masterful and smooth networker
·       Are able to meet a lot of folks
·       Are remembered as a considerate conversationalist

Introduce strangers. We are all there, wondering how to meet new people anyway. Wade right in! 

Introduce people to people you have just met and thoughtful and generous.

People will feel comfortable bringing folks back to you.

Imagine if we all played hot potato at events. No more standing on the edges. It would be expected to have introductions made and to ease in and out of conversations on a regular and comfortable basis. 

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