Monday, April 13, 2020

Pandemics and boredom

Are you bored yet? Are you bored of seeing the posts about people being bored? Is it really boredom?

Is it boredom?

  • Is it uncertainty about personal finances or jobs and no ability to do much about it?
  • Is it frustration with our homes having become more places to eat/sleep than live?
  • Is it inertia due to a lack of hobbies or creative outlets to help express emotions and needs?
  • Is it grieving for the routines and habits that made our day feel 'normal?'
  • Is it angst about not being able to help or be helped?
  • Is it indifference to the pieces closest to us that loom larger without external distractions?
  • Is it nervousness waiting and waiting ....?

I am feeling all these things. I am not bored. Plus, I'm sure there are more questions than I've listed above.

Clarifying a problem by asking questions  - instead of jumping to solution - is a great mentoring technique. On a Zoom call last week, many folks were solving the "problem of boredom," suggesting activities and perspectives meant to keep the spirit alive.

Question "boredom;" address the root cause.