Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hello, my name is...

A local artist had a great cartoon in a coffee shop last week: it was Batman, carefully sticking on his "Hello my name is.." tag. What a great comment on both personal brand and a professional culture that insists on labelling us at events like lost kindergarten kids.

Life doesn't come with name tags. Thank goodness - they clash with the good jewelry.

Your smile, your handshake/hug. your clothing and your greeting contribute more to how someone will (or won't) remember you than an label or clip-on tag.

It doesn't matter that someone doesn't know your name. The name tag isn't a shortcut to a good introduction. The name tag doesn't make it easier for anyone to talk to strangers.

Networking is like dating... we  meet someone at a party (bar, baseball game, etc.) and wander up to them because they seem interesting. Why should someone connect with you professionally? Know what you have to offer to your community and the rest falls into place.

Maybe if events had us describe ourselves in one word or two on a name tag that would be a great ice breaker! "Hi, so you're Nervously Networking? I'm Collaborative & Decisive!"  Who says we have to write our names?.....

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