Thursday, October 25, 2012

This week at the mentoring conference - day four

Ever have a day that shines? The people, the events, the food, the sunshine.... all remarkable.  The conversations sparked new conversations sparking new ideas which drew in new people....

Great quotes from today:
"People don't resist change; they resist loss."
"I'd rather deal with chauvanism than a surfeit of estrogen."
"The coffee is cold but the topic is hot."

All this around hot debates on mentoring and what it really means - and how it relates to the diversity agenda, the glass ceiling and how the brain learns.

Did we reach any conclusions? Yes - the much of the research out there is not inclusive or does not map to the real (messy) world. And that it isn't important to nail down one lexicon or one meaning that applies to all... as much as it is important to state expectations and assumptions for each situation. Success doesn't come from control; success comes from flexibility.

To all of you who were part of this shining day: thank you.

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