Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Resume perspective

If you search ‘resumes’ on this blog, there’s probably quite a few posts on the topic. Everyone has their preferred method and most are chronological.

The format, like a picture frame, can be simple or gaudy. What really counts is the picture/information you put inside it.

When writing a resume think how does this help you know who I am…. Vs. how does this tell you what I can ‘do’?  
·         Don’t list the basics of your job; list your best accomplishments and challenges
·         Make each bullet the lead into a story
·         Make them want to talk with you about the stories and ask questions vs. try to tick all their boxes. We know the boxes are subjective anyway
·         Make yourself human – avoid the meaningless objective statements and give them three adjectives as a summary of how you’d like them to think of you and what you stand for.

You have 15 seconds to capture their interest. What’s the story you’re really hoping most to tell?

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