10 - It’s all about making connections. Some will lead to more, some will lead to dead ends, some will take you to unexpected places.
9 - You have to be willing to like the person with whom you are attempting to connect.
8 - You have to be willing to offer and accept criticism - good and uncomfortable.
7 - Food is the best way to start building bridges. Coffee and chocolate are natural conversation starters.
6 - Self-depreciation is not sexy during a first meeting or career discussion.
5 - Intense discussions are best held in daylight.
4 - A common vocabulary and shared experiences are great ways to avoid micommunication.
3 - Someone who insists they're always 'right' will ‘miscommunicate’ with you a lot.
2 - A bottle of Shiraz will not help them change their mind.
1 - Keep your sense of humour at all times!
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