Monday, March 16, 2009


Humber College’s Arts Administration - Cultural Management Program, Class of ’09 is presenting a unique event on Monday March 23 at the Tranzac Club in Toronto.

They’ve called it “Babble-On” where guest speakers from across not-for-profit arts organizations will come to expound on quirky topics (based on the format “Trampoline Hall” by author Sheila Heiti).

Kudos to the class who took an assignment to put the theories of sponsorship and fundraising and created an event that is all about their community. Yes, they’re trying to raise funds. But what has me excited about the event is the many ways they’re looking to bring their communities (friends, peers, students, teachers, deans, artists and art enthusiasts) together with an eye to offering meaning and value.

It’s a terrific networking event without ever stating networking as a goal. The speakers are all experts in their field and yet asked to step into the unknown with unusual topics. The room will be filled with activities (including a silent auction) to keep the energy flowing.

You could show up not knowing a soul and find many friends in the room.

This isn’t a ‘please-support-Humber-and-our-program….come-and-we’ll-tell-you -why-we’re-special’ event. This is a true gathering of like-minds that will *also* result in funds raised for the Artists’ Health Centre Foundation.

I do teach one of their classes. I am incredibly proud of this group of individuals who are doing their best to take the program's wisdom at face-value and then make it their own.

Check out their Facebook page or email for more information.

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