Monday, April 13, 2009

My Ideal Place for Building Community

I think many folks have an idea like this hidden away - a hang out to meet new folks and grab a moment with friends. Open, inviting and comfortable.

Mine is a café that would be a combination of used and unusual books with deep armchairs and little tables and a counter with a few stools that served brunches and lunches. A specialty sandwich each day, a soup, a pie, a cake... teas and coffees... eggs, cheeses and biscuits. Maybe one late night a week with live music and silent auctions for local charities. Local potters and artists' work.

Sort of Sleuth of Baker Street ( with a wider book selection and food/drink. Or Hugh’s Room ( with more mingling and some books.

It’s not hard to talk to anyone - friend or stranger - in a place like this. The trick is to import that vibe to the soulless rooms in which we more often find ourselves at work - or to the line ups and gatherings which we try to make impersonal (grocery stores, bus stops, coffee runs, etc.)

The whole world is really that café. It’s only that we rush through it, looking neither right nor left.

1 comment:

Unknown Partner said...

That reminds me a bit of Corey's post about the physical side of the software process. I've supplemented that by keeping a variety of Costco bulk snacks near my desk, with a donation box to help defray the cost of feeding my fellow developers. It's fun to periodically have your co-workers come over and say "hi". (not that it's an uncommon thing in our open-concept office anyway) :)