Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday Drifting

I spent part of a sunny Sunday afternoon editing friends' resumes, part playing with a baby and part doing the usual chores to get ready for the week ahead. (we've usually run out of salad fixings and clean under-things by Sunday)

There's not much organization or planning around such an afternoon. I generally don't feel like I made a dent in the 'to do' list. By supper, it's usually obvious I might have even forgotten lunch.

Yet, these are the very afternoons that cement friendships, allow house lists to get made (or worked on) and give one a sense that the entire week is not about meetings and schedules.

One of my mentorees remarked last week how frustrated she is that she isn't doing enough. "Enough", of course, in the big general sense of life.

As Monday winds us up again, perhaps we all need a reminder that drifting a little also can create space and order within our communities and needs.

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