Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Storytelling -part 1

Storytelling - if you google it - is the new leadership buzzword....which is terrific if one understands that 'spin' and 'story' do not necessarily have the same meaning.

While I'm very excited to be part of the Baruch College Symposium later this week, recently I had the priviledge of attending a storytelling workshop lead by Dan Yashinsky, a Canadian artist with a gift for bringing circles together. I watched as he found ways for people to connect more intuitively with their jobs by asking them to describe their job to a grandparent. Some folks struggled. Some made us laugh. However, the point was made: the mind needs hooks and sticky bits on which to fasten both understanding and emotion.

In a world bent on reducing things to facts - to save time, to be seemingly logical /rational /scientific - storytelling is like water in the desert; it allows us a place to explore both emotion and possibility. Storytelling can enhance critical thinking, build teams, create trust, enhance communication and allow for vulnerability.

Share a story with someone over a tea/coffee today?

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